Chiaha is a fun-for-everyone arts festival in Rome, GA

Artists & Craftsmen Info

Chiaha artist with organizerArtists & Craftsmen: You are invited to apply to exhibit at the 59th ANNUAL CHIAHA HARVEST FAIR, located at the Coosa Valley Fairgrounds, near downtown Rome, GA on Saturday, October 26, 2024 10 AM – 5 PM, and Sunday, October 27, 2024 10 AM – 5 PM. (Rain or shine)

Emphasis of the Show: We strive to provide a well-balanced show of quality crafts and fine arts, exhibited and sold at individual artist booths, combined with a traditional fall festival “flavor” provided by music and food. Profits raised from the festival fund art scholarships and community art projects. The Chiaha Guild is dedicated to promoting the arts and art education.

How To Apply

UPDATE: Food Vendor Applications will be mailed June 15th to vendors from 2023. No new vendors will be accepted unless there is an opening. Please email your info and menu to to be on the waiting list if there is an opening.

Those wishing to be considered for entry as a Chiaha artist must complete the following:

  • Submit 3 slides or photos of art to exhibited, one of booth set-up, and one of you in your studio or workplace (if new to Chiaha).
  • Mail completed application by the deadline of July 31, 2024 with $10 non-refundable jury fee.
  • Applications postmarked before July 31st are eligible for the early booth fee. Applications postmarked after July 31st will have an additional $25 fee and no applications will be accepted after Sept. 15th.
  • CANCELLATION:  Full refunds will be given until Sept 10, half refunds will be given after Sept 10 and until Oct.5, at which point there will be no refunds for cancellation
  • Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for an acceptance or declination letter.
  • You can now pay for your booth online by clicking here.

Download Application Form

Booth & Jury Fees: The single booth fee is charged for a booth approximately 12 ft x12 ft. (Add $10 for indoor space, which is limited). Double booths are approximately 12 ft x24 ft. The booth fee is refunded if you are not accepted. A separate, non-refundable $10 jury fee must accompany your application.

Commission & Taxes: No commission is charged on the sale of your artwork and artists must handle sales tax according to their individual status. The current tax rate in Floyd County is 5% Georgia State tax and a 2% local option sales tax.

Set-up & Security: Set-up for artist booths will be on Friday, October 25 from 11 AM to 7 PM and Saturday, October 26 from 6:30 AM to 9 AM. No cars will be allowed on the festival grounds unless weather permits, as determined by the directors. Please come prepared with a cart or hand truck. Two uniformed police officers will be on duty Friday and Saturday nights. Exhibitors are strongly urged to set-up on Friday. The Chiaha Guild assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen items, though every precaution will be taken to secure your property.

Booths: Booths must be manned at all times during the festival. You may not pack up early for any reason. Artists must provide all display frames, tents, racks, tables, etc. to display and sell artwork. Two or more artists may share a booth if the work of the artists is similar. Please list all individual names on the application.

Hospitality: Our Artist Hospitality Committee will serve complimentary coffee and donuts Saturday and Sunday mornings. Also, if you are exhibiting alone and need assistance in any way, members of this committee are available to help you.

Festival Favors: The Chiaha Guild will provide a sign with the artist’s name(s), as listed on the application form. Also the guild will give you a t-shirt as a souvenir of the festival.

Acceptable Categories: Painting, drawing, sculpture, pottery (no slip mold ceramics), photography, needlecraft, weaving, leather, metalcrafts, wood, glass, mixed media and other approved crafts. All work must be original by the exhibiting artist. No reproductions, no unlimited prints, no hobby kits, etc., will be accepted.

Show Directors: Andi Beyer and Monica Sheppard are the Co-Executive Directors for the Chiaha Harvest Fair. Questions can best be answered by e-mailing us.

Awards: The Chiaha Guild will award cash and ribbons at the festival to reward excellence in arts and crafts work. The following prizes will be determined and awarded by an impartial judge:

  • One Best-in-Show $250
  • 1st in 2-dimensional $150
  • 1st in 3-dimensional $150
  • Two Sponsor Awards $100
  • Eight Merit Awards $100
  • One Chiaha Guild Award
  • Over $5000 in Patron Program Awards